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Watch this video from the United Nations before completing this activity:
For this assignment you are to attempt to go one week without purchasing or using single-use disposable plastics! Things such as:
• disposable water bottles
• plastic forks and spoons
• straws
• plastic drink lids
• candy wrappers or snack bags
• plastic grocery bags
Tip: Take your own mug/water bottle everywhere, a well as your own reusable utensils. Buy snacks in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Purchase things from the bulk section and use reusable cloth bags or containers. Bring your own reusable take-out containers. Ask for paper bags or bring your own instead of using plastic grocery bags.
It’s okay to use things you have already purchased, but try not to purchase new things that come in single-use disposable plastic.
Then, write a short (1500-word max) reflection on the challenge, addressing each the following questions:
• Did you succeed at going plastic-free for a week?
• What were the major challenges?
• What were the plastics that gave you the most trouble for the challenge?
• Could you go plastic free for longer than a week?
• How could you use less plastic in your life?

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