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Key management will be an important aspect of the new electronic protected health information (e-PHI). Key management is often considered the most difficult part of designing a cryptosystem.
Choose a fictitious or an actual organization. The idea is to provide an overview of the current state of enterprise key management for Superior Health Care.
Review these authentication resources to learn about authentication and the characteristics of key management.
Provide a high-level, top-layer network view (diagram) of the systems in Superior Health Care. The diagram can be a bubble chart or Visio drawing of a simple network diagram with servers. Conduct independent research to identify a suitable network diagram.
Read these resources on data at rest, data in use, and data in motion.
Identify data at rest, data in use, and data in motion as it could apply to your organization. Start by focusing on where data are stored and how data are accessed.
Review these resources on insecure handlingand identify areas where insecure handling may be a concern for your organization.
Incorporate this information in your key management plan.
In the next step, you will consider key management capabilities.

Step 2: Learn Key Management Capabilities ——–LAB

Step 3: Identify Key Management Gaps, Risks, Solutions, and Challenges

In a previous step, you identified the key components of an enterprise key management system. In this step, you will conduct independent research on key management issues in existing organizations. You will use this research to help identify gaps in key management, in each of the key management areas within Superior Health Care.
Conduct independent research to identify typical gaps in key management within organizations. Incorporate and cite actual findings within your key management plan. If unable to find data on real organizations, use authoritative material discussing typical gaps.
Identify crypto attacks and other risks to the cryptographic systems posed by these gaps. Read these resources to brush up on your understanding of crypto attacks.
Propose solutions organizations may use to address these gaps and identify necessary components of these solutions.
Finally, identify challenges, including remedies, other organizations have faced in implementing a key management system.
Include this information in your enterprise key management plan.
Provide a summary table of the information within your key management plan.
Incorporate this information in your implementation plan.
In the next step, you will provide additional ideas for the chief information security officer (CISO) to consider.

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