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The Trans-Pacific Partnership is one of the world’s largest trade agreements. The TPP has gone through a very winding road, and the current iteration is not quite what the original countries had planned. However, it is still very important, and you are going to find very interesting things about it and global economy and system while researching it!

Your group project will be to research, analyze and present your findings regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This will consist of detail Marketing, Operations, Finance mechanisms in partnership and the pro’s and con’s of the trade agreement. I have included few questions below to serve as a guideline for your research. As such, these are the minimum questions that need to be answered.

The deliverables include the final paper project (MS Word document) detailing the project’s findings and analysis (minimum 1000 words). Each question/answer has 10 points for a total possible points of 100 points. The submitted document must be typed, and at college-level writing quality. You can use either MLA or APA formatting. You must identify and list your references. Answers must be numbered accordingly and clearly spaced and paragraphed. Once ready, you submit the document onto Canvas before the deadline.

Questions to be answered (at minimum):

  1. What is the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership? Provide general details.
  2. Which countries are included in the partnership? Which countries are considering joining the Partnership? Which countries have dropped out?
  3. How large is the TPP in comparison to the European Union? What are the main differences?
  4. How might the reduction of trade barriers on exports stimulate the economy of the US? How about the other countries in the TPP?
  5. What regulations affect the digital economy?
  6. How might trade with China be affected? What are the advantages to bringing these fast-developing economies into the American sphere of influence?
  7. What exposure, if any, is there for middle-class workers if there is low-cost competition from foreign labor?
  8. What are the environmental protections included in the agreement?
  9. What are the arguments in favor of the deal? What are the arguments opposing the deal?
  10. In conclusion and based on your research, are you Pro or Against the TPP? Why?
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