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Compose a 3 to 5 page, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman in APA format response on the below topic.
Stevie, age 63, found wandering around not speaking clearly. The police were called for “suspicious activity” and Stevie was brought to jail overnight.
Using the information from your state, consider the following to discuss in your paper:

  • You can focus on the entire state and use different examples or focus on a particular area. For example, if discussing Louisiana, I could name different things from different areas or I could simply discuss the scenario like the person was in Lafayette and only use Lafayette information.
  • How often does something like this case happen?
  • What academic literature sources help to show these issues exist in your state and/or the United States?
  • What stigmas could this person face?
  • What happens after this person was arrested?
  • What programs exist that will benefit this individual?
    o Mental Health
    o Substance Use if applicable
    o Criminal Justice
  • What obstacles could this person face?
  • If they were successful/unsuccessful in a specific program, what would be the outcome?
  • How would life be for this person when, or if, they return from jail?
  • What is the possibility of recidivism?
  • Is there any other program from another state or even a country that could be helpful to this person or persons?
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