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Find the county where you grew up at www.countyhealthrankings.org. Where does your county rank overall in the state where you grew up? In what areas does your county have relatively good health (higher ranking)? What factors do you think contribute to your county doing well in these areas? In what areas does your county have relatively poorer health (lower ranking)? What factors do you think contribute to your county doing poorly in these areas? Based on your experiences, news articles, or other sources, provide two examples of health disparities and two examples of health inequities impacting your county. Explain your answer and cite your sources. Then, apply the 5 recommended actions from the Sampson et al (2016) article to your county/state. Provide one specific action that can be taken by your county/state that aligns with each recommendation. Briefly describe who should be involved (e.g., people, organizations), how to implement the recommendations, etc.

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