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Option B: Understanding the “Sociological Imagination” The “sociological imagination” is an important concept that was developed by C. Wright Mills and that has since become very significant to the discipline of sociology. This second option for the Final Essay Assignment gives you the opportunity to apply what you have learned about the sociological imagination in this course to the analysis of recent events in the North American tech industry. Please read the article, “When big tech reports job losses, what happens to the people?”, by Erica Vella (1997), as well as the article on “The Sociological Imagination” by Sarah Hoiland. These readings can be found on Blackboard, under the relevant folder for Essay Option B in the ”Assignments” tab on the side menu. Please answer the questions below in essay format using the readings from the assignment folder. You should also use our readings and the lecture from our unit on Sociology , as well as any other course materials that you think are relevant to analyzing the case study. Questions: (1) What happened to the tech workers in this case study? (ie. what are the main details of the article?) (2) What is the concept of the sociological imagination? How could we use the sociological imagination to interpret this case and help explain what happened to these tech workers? (3) Why is the study of sociology important in allowing us to understand this case? Ensure that this assignment meets the following criteria: – Essay format (introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion) – No external research is allowed – please use only the sources from our course and for the assignment that I have specific in the instructions above. – APA or MLA citation format – include a title page as well as a reference list for every source that you use to write the essay. – Required Length: 650 – 750 words, double-spaced – 12-point font, Times New Roman – Microsoft Word submissions only



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