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First watch this brief scene from the Jesus Film of Jesus washing the disciples feet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx9KuZU1EjY
There are so many ways Jesus models what being a transformational teacher looks like on this special night… remember, Jesus was God in the flesh, the
creator, and yet notice how He used his authority and position. He served and didn’t demand to be served. He spoke gently. He touched in affirming and
appropriate ways. He encouraged and affirmed. He spoke identity over them. He prayed for them… I could go on and on and on.
One powerful one… He also shocks his disciples by washing their feet. The creator of the universe took the lowest of lowest positions and washed the
disciple’s feet as a way to show them what true servanthood and kingdom leadership looked like. Instead of demanding they wash his feet, he washed theirs.
In this act alone, Jesus teaches us so much about who He is and what His kingdom looks like!
Before moving on to the next module, choose a family member or friend and share this story with them from John 13 and then wash their feet. Yes, you read
that right, your assignment is to actually share this story with someone and actually wash their feet as Jesus modeled.
After washing their feet, think about what lessons can be learned from this experience. Jesus, the creator of the universe and Savior of the world, did not use
His power to demand others wash His feet but instead washed his followers’ feet.
What does this teach us about how a teacher should use their influence and power not to be served but to serve their students. Think about the power of this
full sensory lesson that Jesus taught. It is a 100% guarantee that his disciples never forgot this night’s lessons and their lives were never the same!
After doing this assignment, write a reflection paper about your experience doing the assignment.
Choose a family member or friend and share this story with them from John 13
and then wash their feet using a bowl of water and a towel.
Reflection Paper: The 250+ Word paper will include:

  1. Briefly share whose feet you washed and their reaction.
  2. What did you personally experience and learn in this act?
  3. How does this act and Jesus’ teaching style, in general, inspire you to approach your future classroom as a transformational teacher? Choose very specific
    ways you can emulate what Jesus models
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