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For this reading reflection paper, focus on at least one (1) of Max Weber”s works (The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The Distribution of Power with the Political Community: Class, Status, Party, The Types of Legitimate Domination, Bureaucracy) in the textbook:
Clearly identify which work you are reflecting on. What are the main components of this work? What is the goal of the work?
Which components of the reading stood out to you? Must include short quotes from the selected work that you reflected on and cite pages.
Did the reading leave you with any questions? What important issues do you think the work try to address? What issues did it fail to address that you consider important?
Consider whether the work you read impacted, changed, or conflicted with beliefs or perspectives you held previously. If so, how?
Connect the ideas presented in the work that connect to your own experience or contemporary ideas, current social or political events, cultural artifacts (movies, shows, books, music, internet culture, etc.), or policies that impact or have impacted people’s lives.



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