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Use the “DPI Proposal Template” and the “Develop a Literature Review” assignment from DNP-820 to develop a draft of a literature review (Chapter 2) for your DPI Project Proposal. The literature review (Chapter 2) is required to be a minimum of 20-25 pages including a minimum of 50 scholarly citations. You have already completed some of this review in previous courses. No less than 85% of the articles must have been published in the past 5 years. Articles selected must provide strong, reliable support for the proposal.

Use the following DPI proposal template’s criteria to create your draft Literature Review (Chapter 2):

  1. Access and review the DPI Project Template for Chapter 2 criteria

o Sections of this Chapter include:

§ Introduction to the Chapter and Background to the Problem

§ Theoretical Foundations

§ Review of Literature including Themes and Sub-themes

§ Summary

  1. Using the Clinical Question/PICOT question components, identify at least two themes which will organize the literature review .
  2. Identify at least three subthemes that relate to each theme (six subthemes total).
  3. Identify at least three empirical or scholarly articles related to each subtheme (18 articles total). At least one article must demonstrate a quantitative methodology.
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