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I want you to watch this video.Links to an external site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXNg4L6kzM4

Idaho Murder Mystery: An in-depth look at murders of 4 students | Special Report

Only use this video and/or prior information (12/29/22 or BEFORE) to answer the following questions as this is a real case and there was an arrest made. You are welcome to watch other newsworthy evidence regarding this investigation as long as it was published before the arrest of the suspect. Just make sure you consider the validity of the information and the date it was posted.
Links to an external site.Then answer the following questions. You will record your answers on a WORD document and upload to this assignment submission.
1.) Who are your main suspects?
2.) Choose your top suspect(s) and list the questions you would ask them to gather more information.
3.) How would you avoid tunnel vision? For example, if you think a suspect committed the crime, but aren’t certain yet, how do you avoid only focusing on that suspect and avoiding other potential suspects?
4.) Outline anything else you would want to do or say to these potential suspects.
5.) What are some of the biggest challenges you face during this information gathering phase?


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