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Step 1
Create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of seven slides that summarizes your plan for creating the communication piece.
Include on one slide of the PowerPoint presentation a sample of the brochure, handout, or media piece.
In this task, gather specific data and information pertinent to the chosen disease. Remember to include appropriate citations in this and in all subsequent steps.
focus on Infectious disease (possibly COVID-19)
The data and information you gather should include:
The development of the disease in the community.
Steps to address the proliferation of the disease. Provide support for the suggestion.
Ways to address the disease in the community.
Step 2
Identify your audience of interest.
Note: Be sure you align the language and tone to your targeted audience.
Step 3
From the previous two steps, create your brochure, handout, or other appropriate media. It should include:

A summary of the development of the disease in the community, including any appropriate citations.
An outline of at least five steps to address the proliferation of the disease through the community.
Provide support for these steps.

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