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C​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​reativity can be seen through many forms of expression in the arts, and I would like to further my knowledge and understanding of this by looking at one aspect of it with music and movement. In the UMP, I want to try to get a better understanding of the advantages that early year’s?children have when creative music and movement are given a higher priority in their education. These advantages can be found in the early years of the child’s development. What the connections are between it and being expressive, articulate, engaged, and experimental. Consider the advantages for children aged 3 to 6 years old when more emphasis is placed on creativity through music and movement. How these aids in the development of their gross and fine motor skills. The types of creativity that children can generate through music and movement. If there are obstacles that must be overcome with music and movement, and the reasons why this may have occurred. Through the completion of this project, one of my goals is to acquire a deeper comprehension of the ways in which music and movement are linked to the creative potential of young children as well as the benefits of further to improve the outcomes for the children. Questions: In the early years, what kinds of music and movement activities are available to contribute to the development of creative potential? When engaging in creative activities in the Early Years, what are the benefits of incorporating music and movement into those activities for the children? What, if any obstacles, stigmas, and challenges need to be looked at /overcome before the full potential of combining music and movement with creativity can be?realised? Examining?which past concepts have been tried and tested. Determine whether each concept yields comparable results and whether any concept has been overlooked or underutilised in music and movement to foster creativity in children. In order to complete this project, I intend to​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ conduct a critical literature review of the literature that I have gathered. This will be accomplished through: Identify publications; using the keywords identification of ‘creativity,’ ‘early childhood,’ ‘music’ and ‘movement’ I will examine what literature has previously been written about on these topics and determine whether it satisfies the requirements for my topic based on what I find. Checking to see if the original was written in English or if it was translated into English from another language. Whether or not it is pertinent to the topic I am investigating at the time it was written (i.e., the date), at the location where it was published, and by the name of the author. Further search into articles, and other evidence. – I will be using peer-reviewed journals only and utilising ProQuest, and ERIC’s to do this. Data Selection Process of stage 1 and 2 – Now I will read all the publications and journals to determine whether the text is relevant and useful for my case study. To accomplish this, I will only consider evidence from the past ten years, as it must be current and in line with current trends. It should only pertain to early childhood, and any relevant information or journals should undergo peer review. Then, I will keep the pertinent articles and possibly include them in my research and findings. Filtering Criteria – to critically select which publications and journals can aid in constructing an answer to the previous case study questions. To achieve this, the research will include children aged 3 to 6 years old. It will be UK-based and international research to give me a broader selection, and it will consist solely of primary sources. Any secondary research will be omitted. Ethics Consideration – It will be research based on text, and since it will not involve any humans or animals, informed consent will not be required for this study. I have read the BERA (British Educational Research Association​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​) and *** code of practise.

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