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Fathers and Mothers: We get a lot of interesting depictions of fathers and mothers and sons in these two Books. In Book 2, we have Priam, King of Troy, watch his son Polites get murdered (525-530). We also have a lot of interesting interactions between Aeneas and his father (he saves his father but not his wife Creusa). Venus, who is Aeneas’s mother, appears to him and leads him out of Troy. Also, in Book 3, the Trojan’s are supposed to find their “mother land” or their “primeval mother”, which Anchises seems to think is in Crete, though he gets it wrong because he forgets to listen to the female prophetess Cassandra (170-185). There is also the grief of Andromache, who remembers her slaughterd son Astyanax when looking at Aenaes’s son Ascansius in Book 3 (339). Choose one passage dealing with either father-son, mother-son, relationships, and explain how these relationships shapes the narrative of the poem.
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