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Please discuss Wangari Maathai’s Book “Unbowed: One Woman’s Story” in your group.

Then prepare slides that address the following three themes:
Causes of Environmental Degradation
Maathai, as a biologist with an agricultural family background, saw that deforestation led to less water, decreasing soil productivity, and a devastated local ecosystem. She also saw this problem as rooted in the history of colonialism and the disruption of traditional practices and ideas.
What did Maathai interpret as the causes of this environmental degradation? Do you think she is correct?
Explain your answer by referring to at least one of the “approaches” chapters (chs. 2-8) in the Environmental and Society book. Also refer to ideas in the “Principles of Ecology” section.
Rural Women & The Green Belt Movement
Maathai’s Green Belt Movement was regarded as successful, as evidenced by the Nobel Peace Prize that she received in recognition of her work. She attributes the basis of her movement’s success to her focus on rural women. Why did this focus allow for such a success? Do you think there were other factors?
Refer to at least one specific initiative and analyze it based on concepts from at least least two of the “approaches” chapters (chs. 2-8) in the Environmental and Society book.
You can answer this question in any way you want, but here are a few questions you can think about: What do the protest movements she led to protect forests and watersheds tell us about the link between environmental concerns and democracy? What is the link between authoritarian regimes, education, and gender inequality?
Folktale and Maathai’s Narrative Style
In the appendix of the book, Maathai includes the folktale of “Konyeki and His Father” (297-303). What are the performative significance of her including a story that is, in her memoir, narrated by her aunt?
In your explanation, refer to concepts in Basso’s Wisdom Sits in Places.
You can answer the question above in any way you want, but here are a few questions you can think about as you formulate your answer: What are the parallels of the folktale with the Maathai’s own biography? Why do you think she included the story in full as an appendix, even though she gives us a summary?




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