The job of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is to make the Internet work, and the IETF achieves that primarily by writing technical standards for network protocols. The TCP/IP Protocol Suite is a collection of protocols that ultimately enable us to share data across the Internet and other networks.
Search the Internet for information on one of the following IETF Request for Comments (try to pick one that has yet to be discussed on the message boards):
IETF RFC 791 Internet Protocol.
IETF RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol.
IETF RFC 793 Transmission Control Protocol.
IETF RFC 959 File Transfer Protocol.
IETF RFC 854 Telnet.
IETF RFC 1058 Routing Information Protocol.
IETF RFC 1059 Network Time Protocol.
IETF RFC 1350 Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
IETF RFC 1939 Post Office Protocol.
IETF RFC 2409 Internet Key Exchange.
IETF RFC 2570 Simple Network Management Protocol.
IETF RFC 3261 Session Initiation Protocol.
IETF RFC 4251 Secure Shell.
IETF RFC 4880 Pretty Good Privacy.
IETF RFC 4291 IPv6 Addressing.
Discuss the primary function that makes the protocol unique from others. Describe the salient characteristics of the protocol including its relationship to the OSI Reference Model and discuss any security mechanisms that the protocol may have built into it. Write your own review of the prominent features of the protocol; do not include material directly copied from the associated IETF Request for Comments.
Response Guidelines
Post detailed comments or questions to at least two other learners and explain how their insights helped to inform your understanding of the specific protocol that they analyzed.
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