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Theories provide a foundation or framework for the understanding and application of complex concepts. Theories of health promotion provide an understanding of the motivation or self-efficacy of health care seeking behaviors for individuals, groups or populations. Health promotion models help healthcare professionals in conducting community needs assessments or developing and evaluating health promotion activities.

Assignment Criteria:

For this assignment, develop a scholarly paper that includes the following criteria:

  1. Describe the differences between health education and health promotion.
  2. Explore a community-based health promotion program.

a. For example: Million Hearts, Healthy People 2030, WHO, United States Preventative Services (USPTF., Special Olympics ,Fit5 program, YMCA, YWCA, Alcoholic Anonymous, A, Silver Sneakers, cardiac rehabilitation, diabetes support groups, Grief Support, Mental Health.

  1. Determine a health promotion model or theory that could be applied to the selected community-based health promotion program.
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